Pablo Viojo Pérez
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Cofounder at Latam Builders.Cofounder at Foto Fácil.Cofounder at Bazar B.Former COO and cofounder at ( COO, CTO, cofounder at Groupon Hispanoamérica. Experience in Operations Management focused on the design and control of processes in the e-commerce industry developing and implementing different KPIs. Having managed Groupon operations in Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Perú, Colombia, Panamá, Mexico and Puerto Rico I have a strong knowledge of the Latinoamerica e-commerce reality.Beside this, I'm a software developer. primarily focused on UI architecture and development. Advanced skills on Javascript, Ajax and Flex technologies.Senior PHP 5 programmer (more than 15 years of experience) and Java programmer (5 years)Skills: Operations Management, Project Management, IT Consultancy.Software engineering, PHP, Java, Javascript (advanced), User Experience
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